Content download

Information on personal data protection

We inform you that by downloading the content, your personal data will be processed in accordance with the following conditions:

Entity responsible for processing: Repsol, S.A., with registered office at Calle Méndez Álvaro, 44 - 28045 Madrid, Spain.

Data Protection

Data subject to processing: Your e-mail address.

Purposes of processing: (i) Forwarding of the requested content by e-mail and invitation to subscribe to the Repsol Newsletter; (ii) Only if you consent, forwarding of the Repsol Newsletter.

Legitimacy of the processing: Your consent by sending us this form.

Transfers to third parties: In general, we do not transfer your data to third parties, except in the following cases: (i) those that are required by law; (ii) service providers acting as data processors.

International transfers: Those necessary as a result of our relationship with service providers, with the guarantees established in the Privacy Policy available at

Data storage: We will process your data for the time required to fulfill the purpose for which they were collected. Once the content and the invitation to subscribe to the Repsol Newsletter have been sent, your personal data will be deleted, unless you have consented to receive electronic communications about the Repsol Newsletter, in which case your personal data will be stored until you cancel your subscription. Once cancelled, your data will be stored solely for the purposes of responding in the case of legal liability.

Data subject rights: Access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, portability, and the right not to be subject to decisions based solely on automated processing. Specifically, users have the right to oppose processing based on the existence of a legitimate business interest or on their consent at any time. Additionally, consent may be revoked at any time. You may exercise these rights by writing to the registered address of the entity acting as the data controller, or by sending an email to Likewise, you may, at any time, lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.