a plant next to a lit light bulb planted on the ground

What is energy saving and how can we contribute?

Reducing consumption to gain in the future

Turning off the alarm clock when it goes off, showering with hot water, using transportation to get to the office, working with several electronic devices, heating food, or air-conditioning and lighting the home are all part of our energy consumption.

Our current lifestyle involves a significant energy expenditure derived from most daily tasks. If we want to reduce it, it's crucial to become aware of the importance of energy control and saving in our daily lives and to adopt practices that allow us to make a more efficient and sustainable use. In this way, we'll contribute to preserving natural resources, and we'll manage to reduce the financial costs associated with energy consumption.


What is energy saving?

Energy saving is the set of practices that seek to reduce energy consumption.

It shouldn't be confused with energy efficiency, which is the ability to obtain the best results by using the least amount of energy resources possible in an activity. Energy saving, by contrast, reduces the expenditure by promoting limited energy consumption.

Having an energy saving plan contributes to:

How to contribute to energy saving

Energy management is key to saving electricity, as it optimizes consumption with the aim of streamlining and reducing costs without affecting consumers.

At Repsol, we have a multi-energy offer that features products such as electricity, gas, solar energy, and electric mobility. We also advise you on best practices. Let's take a look below at some energy saving tips:

a person calculating their expenses with an energy efficiency table

1. Energy saving in the home and office

digital programming of a home heating system


  • Make the most of sunlight: Open the curtains or blinds during the day, so sunlight comes in and naturally heats the room. Close them at night to prevent heat loss.
  • Improve insulation: Reinforce your home's insulation in the walls, ceiling, and floor. You can also use thermal curtains to reduce heat loss through the windows.
  • Regulate the temperature: Set the thermostat between 20 and 21ºC for a comfortable temperature. Each degree less can represent a saving of 7% on your power bill.
a power strip turned off and an outlet disconnected


  • Use power strips with switches: Some appliances use energy even when they're on stand-by. Using a power strip will allow you to disconnect them completely when you aren't using them.
  • Make the most of the sun to dry clothes: Hang out clothes in the sun or outdoors instead of using the dryer.
  • If you need to replace an appliance, choose one with a high energy rating: They use less energy to perform the same tasks.
a person's finger placed over an illuminated light bulb


  • Use low-consumption LED bulbs: They waste less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and have a longer useful life.
  • Choose targeted lighting: It isn't necessary to light an entire room. You can opt to use table lamps, reading lights, or wall lights for specific areas as needed.
  • Install motion sensors: They're a perfect choice for walk-through areas or rooms where constant lighting is not needed. They detect motion and turn on and off automatically.
an office computer displays charts of expenses and savings


  • Configure energy-saving options in electronic devices: Activate the sleep function, and set idle times to automatically turn them off after a few minutes.
  • Implement turn-off policies: Place reminders at different points of the office so that every employee checks that they've turned off the lights and all equipment at the end of the day.
  • Use efficient equipment in rest areas: Opt for efficient appliances such as low-consumption fridges and microwaves, and choose power-saving programs whenever possible.

2. Transportation and mobility

Another measure that contributes to energy saving is making use of a more sustainable mobility. By analyzing the way people and goods move, measures can be taken to minimize the environmental impact.

Some of the habits that contribute to reducing our travel footprint are:  

  • Using public transportation: Commuting on trains, buses, and streetcars or carpooling with other passengers reduces the number of cars on the road.
  • Incorporating electric mobility solutions: Electric vehicles are a very efficient type of sustainable transportation for urban commuting. Find the fast charging station closest to you.

  • In short distances, choose to travel by bike or walk. This habit isn't just healthy for the environment, but it also improves people's health and well-being.

Sustainable mobility alternatives

At Repsol, we have been dedicated for years to the manufacture and commercialization of sustainable mobility solutions. Learn about our projects:

  • New sustainable technologies in aviation

We produce renewable aviation fuels, and we supply them to our aviation clients. We also collaborate with operators and platforms to help them in their decarbonization strategy.

  • Biofuels

We develop biofuels by using sustainable raw materials such as used cooking oils, forestry, livestock, and agri-food industry waste with which we achieve a CO2 emissions reduction of up to 90%. Proof of that is our Cartagena Industrial Complex, where we are building the first biofuels production plant in Spain that will use circular raw materials.

  • Synthetic biofuels

We work on the production of net zero emissions synthetic fuels produced with water and CO2 as the only raw materials, which can be used in today's vehicles such as cars, trucks, and planes, among others.

  • Electric mobility

We have made a broad network of fast charging EV points available, so you can continue on your journey without the need to worry.

3. Self-consumption

Energy self-consumption makes it possible for any person or company to produce and consume their own electricity by installing PV solar panels or other renewable generation systems. A commitment that translates into:

  • More energy independence: You can cover part or all of your energy needs, which ensures greater autonomy.
  • It contributes to sustainable development: Energy self-consumption promotes the transition towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly model.
  • Power outage backup: In the event that there are interruptions in the power supply, you'll continue having access to electricity in your home or business.
  • Economic saving: The investment in infrastructure is offset by continued savings on your power bill.
Repsol Solmatch solar panels

At Repsol, we have energy self-consumption solutions tailored to your needs.


Repsol and Movistar's Solar360 project allows you to enjoy a sustainable home. You generate your own energy by installing solar panels in your home or residential community, which greatly benefits the environment and leads to savings on your electricity bill. You also receive compensation for the energy you don't use, according to the conditions under the current legislation.

Repsol Solmatch

Solmatch Solar Communities make it possible to locally and sustainably produce electricity in urban areas. Energy is generated using solar panels installed on the roofs of the area so that other homes can connect and benefit from completely renewable energy.