Environmental education

Education for action

Promoting respect for the environment, promoting its conservation and that of natural resources, or mitigating the effects of climate change are some of the actions in which environmental education has been playing a fundamental role for a while. Its potential goes beyond the simple development of knowledge. Driving environmental education projects allows us to better understand today's challenges and provide tangible solutions.

Environmental education, therefore, not only has an impact on an individual level, but also promotes collaboration between institutions, companies, and collective or individual social agents. In this way, it contributes to the development of a sustainable education that benefits both current and future generations. Reflecting on what it means, why it is essential, or how we can implement it effectively in our society is a good starting point to better understand its scope.


What is environmental education?

The White Book of Environmental Education in Spain, prepared by the National Center for Environmental Education, leaves no room for doubt. Environmental education is, above all, "education for action", an educational process that seeks to generate a broad understanding of the environment while promoting its conservation. It isn't just limited to teaching knowledge, but also incentivizes a real connection with the environment and promotes the implementation of responsible behaviors aimed at the conservation of natural resources.

This current of thought and action, of international scope, started to become popular from the mid-70s. Its existence and importance were officially recognized at the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm, 1972), and among its main challenges is that of "promoting a new relationship between human society and its environment. The aim is to provide today's and future generations with a fairer, more equal, and more sustainable personal and collective development. All of them should guarantee the conservation of the physical and biological support on which it is based."

Why is environmental education important?

Environmental education projects involve both awareness-raising about today's environmental problems and the capacity to identify solutions and foster actions that mitigate their impact. It is continuous learning that invites people, institutions, and companies to actively participate in the conservation of ecosystems and the creation of a more environmentally friendly future.

From this point of view, the importance of environmental education lies, precisely, in its capacity to create a more aware and responsible society. Through these types of programs and strategies, it is possible to achieve a transformation in the way we interact with our environment: whether it be reduction in the consumption of natural resources or the adoption of more environmentally friendly practices.

Environmental education provides the necessary tools to adopt an active role in solving today's challenges. Moreover, it fosters ethics of responsibility that goes beyond the individual, inviting communities to work together to preserve the planet.

In economic and social terms, a population educated in environmental topics will have information and criteria when supporting initiatives that promote the conservation of resources and care for ecosystems. In this context, environmental education can also be understood as a long-term investment for common well-being.

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Environmental education strategies in society

The Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge defines environmental education strategies as "global and integral plans of principles and lines of action, which guide the present and future actions in terms of environmental education of institutions, companies, and collective and individual social agents."

On the ground, implementing these types of environmental education projects requires a collaborative and versatile approach capable of adapting to the different local realities. However, some effective strategies in this regard include:

  1. Incorporating environmental education into the school curriculum.
    Beyond being the latest of the current regulations in the Educational field, LOMLOE or Organic Law 3/2020, approved on December 29, 2020, has also been the regulation that has incorporated environmental education as a cross-cutting training program into the curriculum. In this way, children and young people receive solid training on conservation and protection of the environment from an early age, not just through theory, but also through practical activities such as recycling, gardening, or biodiversity conservation workshops.
  2. Community environmental education projects.
    The participation of local communities in environmental education projects is also capable of generating a real impact on ecosystems. Initiatives such as the creation of urban vegetable patches, reforestation projects, or river or beach clean-up days, for example, not only help to improve the environment, but also strengthen cohesion and social awareness.
  3. Training in companies and organizations.
    Companies can play a key role in the promotion of environmental education. In addition to supporting specific projects of social organizations or other bodies and, even, implementing environmental best practices, they can go further. Offering training programs on sustainable resource management, carbon footprint reduction, or efficient energy use, for example, can have a positive effect both on workplace environments and society in general.
  4. Awareness-raising and new technologies.
    New technologies are great allies in the implementation of environmental education projects. Digital platforms are a tool with huge potential to spread information and raise awareness among all types of audiences on the importance of looking after the environment. From campaigns on social media to the production of documentaries or holding online workshops, there are a multitude of resources that make it possible to bring the message closer and encourage active participation through environmental education.

Aims of environmental education

In the mid 1970s, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) set up — in what is known as the Belgrade Charter — the aims of environmental education, many of which are still in force. Despite their heterogeneity, all of them are based on the idea of the need to create a society that values and protects the natural environment. From there, some of the most important are:

  • Creating environmental awareness. The first step to achieve significant changes is for people to understand the importance of protecting the environment and how their daily actions impact the health of the planet.
  • Fostering active participation. It's not enough to have information; it is necessary for people to get involved in solving today's challenges. This ranges from simple matters such as recycling or the reduction of waste and commitment to the circular economy, to the defense of policies aimed at preserving the health of the planet.
  • Promoting sustainable development. Through environmental education, the aim is to ensure that current and future generations can meet their needs without compromising the resources of coming generations. This involves adopting practices that protect ecosystems and minimize human impact.
  • Empowering communities. Environmental education projects also aim to give communities the necessary tools so they can make informed decisions and lead environmental conservation and restoration initiatives.

Repsol Foundation and Zinkers

At the root of all change is training and at Repsol we are also committed to environmental education. Through the eWORLD Project, a digital educational program that is found on the Repsol Foundation Zinkers platform, teachers can work with their students on the Sustainable Development Goals by bringing the energy transition challenges into classrooms. Through a blended learning methodology, the program combines materials and online activities with group dynamics in the classroom, thus accompanying teachers in the new educational reality.

Something more longstanding is the Plataforma Educativa program that, in this case, has been carried out in Brazil for over a decade. It is a traveling program that seeks to foster the socio-economic development of coastal communities in the states of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Espírito Santo (Brazil), among other things, through the delivery of lectures relating to environmental education.

These and other initiatives are closely related to our commitment to the promotion of rigorous knowledge on energy challenges. In this regard, promoting the energy transition and protecting the environment through education is a key tool to face the future.