What is the ideal temperature to sleep well?

The importance of a good rest

Did you know that the room temperature has a very important role on our health, and especially when it comes to getting a good night's sleep? A moderate and stable temperature helps the well-being and proper functioning of the body, as well as to have a quality rest. So that you can apply it in your daily life, we tell you what is the ideal temperature to sleep well, as well as some tips to make it easier to achieve that optimal temperature at home.


Temperature and health

What we know as thermal comfort (the sensation of comfort or satisfaction with the room temperature) influences multiple aspects of human health. Apart from the pathologies that can be caused by extreme temperatures, a moderate temperature favors the thermal balance of the body, which is beneficial for the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and prevents infectious diseases. In addition, when the body does not need to devote energy to cooling or heating, physiological stress is reduced, which contributes to better overall health.

An optimal room temperature also has a positive repercussion on our mental health: it improves mood, concentration, productivity, and sleep quality. And, as we know, enjoying a good sleep quality is fundamental for physical recovery and recovery of our nervous system.

Opting for a proper temperature at home when sleeping helps to also improve the health of the planet. Maintaining a moderate temperature at home, for example by using heating and air conditioning responsibly, helps to save energy and reduce the carbon footprint.

The optimal temperature for sleeping according to the season

We all know that sleeping with a very low or too high room temperature can harm sleep quality. On the contrary, maintaining an optimal temperature in the bedroom promotes restful sleep: it helps regulate the circadian rhythm of sleep (the biological alterations that our body undergoes during the hours of rest) and promotes deep and continuous rest.

The ideal room temperature for sleeping ranges between 15 and 20ºC, but differs according to the season of the year. Having a system to regulate the bedroom temperature and using the right bedding for each stage of the year are two ways of ensuring that during the night we will not be cold or warm. Another tool available to us is Vivit, Repsol's app that allows you to make better use of energy in the home, as well as check the energy expenditure of each household appliance, your bills, or save by accumulating excess solar energy, among other advantages.

Temperature for sleeping in summer

The warmer nights of the year are those that can imply a worse sleep quality, and are also conducive to excessive use of air conditioning, with the potential for colds, increased energy consumption, and higher electricity bills.

In spring, when the temperatures start to increase, the right temperature for sleeping is between 17º and 19º C. It is the time to use lighter clothing to sleep, change the bedding for a lighter and more breathable one, and put aside blankets or quilts.

The temperature for sleeping in the summer that will be most conducive to sleep is in the range between 15º and 18ºC. It will be slightly lower than in spring, as nights can be very hot. At this time of the year it is advisable to use cool pajamas and cotton bedding, which allow ventilation and sweat absorption. We can choose to open the window, but in this way we will not be able to adapt the room temperature to our liking, so using air conditioning moderately may be a better option if we want to achieve thermal comfort.

Temperature for sleeping in winter

The ideal temperature for sleeping in fall is similar to that of spring: between 17º and 19º C. In this season, temperatures start to drop again, so we will have to slightly increase the room temperature to not be cold during the night. Unlike in spring, we will start to use a little warmer bedding, and a pair of pajamas that will also provide some warmth.

Without going overboard, the temperature for sleeping in winter is a little higher than in fall: between 18°C and 20°C. At this time of year, we run the risk of adopting too high a temperature, which can cause us to wake up during the night. Therefore, we will recover the blankets and quilts and warmer pajamas, but we should use the heating in moderation.

Ideal humidity for sleeping

The relative humidity of the air in the bedroom also influences the perception of temperature in the bedroom. And, as in the case of temperature, it is a crucial factor for comfort and restful sleep. The ideal humidity for sleeping is between 30% and 50%.

If the humidity is too low, dry air can irritate our throat and cause dry skin and discomfort when breathing. This is common during the winter, as the use of heating reduces the humidity in the room. To counteract this, it is advisable to use a humidifier to help us keep the humidity at an optimal level.

On the other hand, excessive relative humidity can cause various health problems, such as asthma or allergies; and, as far as our rest is concerned, we may perceive the atmosphere in the room as suffocating, which can affect sleep quality. In these cases it is advisable to use a dehumidifier, which can be useful during the summer or if we live in a hot and humid climate.