SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth

Building a better future

More than 690 million people of working age are in extreme poverty or precarious employment. SDG 8 seeks to build a better future through decent work, which is fundamental for sustainable economic growth.


What does SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth consist of?

Sustainable Development Goal 8 is part of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and seeks to promote economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all. This involves providing equal employment opportunities, ensuring safety in the workplace, respecting fundamental rights, and providing adequate protection for workers.

Furthermore, economic growth must be sustainable, inclusive, and respectful of the environment, avoiding the depletion of resources and ensuring benefits for all people, with special attention to the most vulnerable.

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Importance and targets of SDG 8

SDG 8 is a fundamental pillar for building a better future. It aims to boost inclusive and sustainable economic growth, create decent jobs, increase productivity, and ensure safe working conditions.

To achieve this, 10 ambitious targets have been set, covering various aspects:

  1. Economic growth for all: Boost per capita economic growth, with special attention to the least developed countries, where an annual increase in GDP of at least 7% is sought.
  2. Better jobs and more efficiency: Seek greater economic efficiency through diversification, modernization, and innovation, prioritizing sectors with high added value and high labor demand.  
  3. Support for small businesses: To promote economic growth, it is necessary to foster development policies that boost productivity, generate decent employment, and support the growth of microenterprises and SMEs through access to financial services.
  4. Smart resource management: The need to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation is a priority to ensure a prosperous and sustainable future. To achieve this, the 10-Year Framework of Programs on Sustainable Consumption and Production (10YFP) is a key tool. 
  5. Decent work for all: Achieving full, productive, and decent employment for all people, regardless of gender, age, or disability, with equal pay for work of equal value.
  6. More opportunities for youth: Develop and implement a global strategy for youth employment and implement the International Labour Organization's Global Jobs Pact.
  7. End forced labor: Take immediate and effective measures to eliminate forced labor, eradicate modern forms of slavery, and human trafficking. Prohibit and eliminate the worst forms of child labor, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, with the goal of eradicating child labor by 2025. 
  8. Safe work for all: It is a fundamental duty to guarantee rights and a safe working environment for all, including precarious and migrant workers, with special attention to women. 
  9. Sustainable tourism: Develop and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that generates employment and supports local culture and products.
  10. Access to financial services: Improve the capacity of domestic financial institutions to expand access to banking, financial, and insurance services for the general population. Simultaneously, there is a need to increase aid for trade in developing nations, particularly in least developed countries, through the Enhanced Integrated Framework for Trade-related Technical Assistance.


Business measures for decent work and economic growth

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Businesses have a key role to play in achieving SDG 8. Some of the actions that can be taken to promote decent work are:

  • Adopt responsible management practices, implementing policies that promote equal opportunity, occupational safety and health.
  • Invest in human capital through training to increase productivity.
  • Promote fair hiring, avoiding discrimination.  
  • Guarantee a living wage that covers basic needs. 
  • Ensure safe working conditions and prevent accidents. 
  • Contribute to community development by participating in local social and economic initiatives.
  • Promote green jobs that respect the environment and build a long-term sustainable model. 

Our contribution to SDG 8

In line with the United Nations 2030 Agenda, we are committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), promoting specific actions, with success stories that demonstrate our positive impact.

Our contribution to SDG 8 consists of:

  • Generation of high quality employment: we have a workforce of more than 25,000 employees of 79 nationalities, 40% of whom are women, promoting equality and diversity.
  • Work flexibility: we offer flexible work options, such as remote work, which is already enjoyed by more than 5,400 employees.  
  • Occupational safety: we prioritize continuous safety training, with more than 250,000 hours of training provided in the last year.

We promote sustainable development throughout the value chain:

  • Collaboration with suppliers: we work with more than 4,000 suppliers, promoting responsible practices. 
  • Contribution to social welfare: we contribute more than 17 billion euros in taxes for public services. 
  • Social investment: we annually allocate more than 21 million euros to projects that improve the well-being of the communities in which we operate.