Repsol Campus building in Madrid, Spain

Repsol Group

Personal data processing

Below are the Repsol Group companies that will process your personal data for marketing purposes provided you have given your consent for its transfer, which will be understood to be carried out by the data controller to the rest of the companies identified on this list, excluding in each case, the company responsible for data processing.

For any questions or inquieries, please contact the data protection officer identified in each case




Company name Activity Data Protection Officer Exercise of rights*
REPSOL DIRECTO, S.A. Sale and home delivery of diesel
REPSOL COMERCIAL DE PRODUCTOS PETROLÍFEROS, S.A. Sale of gasoline, diesel, fuel, kerosene, and other petroleum products in general through service stations or direct sales. Also carries out any other mobility-related activities (electricity and other fuels for mobility)
Provision of payment services and management of the different Repsol Group loyalty products.
REPSOL LUBRICANTES Y ESPECIALIDADES, S.A. Marketing of lubricants, asphalts, and other specialized products
REPSOL, S.A. Parent company of the Repsol Group
REPSOL BUTANO, S.A. Marketing of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
REPSOL COMERCIALIZADORA DE ELECTRICIDAD Y GAS, S.L.U. Marketing of electricity and natural gas in the free market
KIKLIN DEALS SPAIN, S.L. Development and management of the Waylet App 
CAMPSA ESTACIONES DE SERVICIO, S.A. Marketing and sale of fuels and any other type of product through service stations, fuel pumps, supply units, and business premises associated with the aforementioned facilities


(*) You can exercise your rights to access, rectification, objection, erasure, restriction of processing, and portability of personal data, as well as the right to withdraw consent. In the processing based on the legitimate interest of the Data Controller, and irrespective of the above, you have the right to objection, the right to freely and voluntarily take advantage of a mechanism of advertising exclusion, and the right to request the weighting report made by the Data Controller. In processing based on consent, and irrespective of the above, you have the right to objection and the right to withdraw consent at any time. These rights may be exercised by sending a letter to the Controller's address, or alternatively by sending an email the to the email addresses listed below. You may also lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority at any time. Full details of these rights are available in the privacy section.