Repsol adapts its leadership structure in accordance with the Strategic Plan

Press Release 17/12/2020 00:30
  • At the company’s Annual General Meeting, Repsol Chairman Antonio Brufau said that short-term economic measures must be applied to achieve a rapid recovery of our economy.
  • “It is necessary to achieve a rapid recovery, prioritizing short-term goals to avoid causing structural damage to our productive fabric, always ensuring that these measures are compatible with the long-term goals,” said Brufau.
  • In his speech, he added that “now is the time to opt for industry.” “By giving industry a greater weight in our economy, it will become easier to overcome the crisis,” he said, before arguing for a grand alliance in favor of the sector.
  • “When this crisis emerged, Repsol made the decision to place all of our capacities, human and intellectual, as well as, naturally, industrial and technological, at the service of resolving and mitigating it. Our society is setting an example of solidarity and unparalleled sacrifice. Repsol and all of its people are too,” said Brufau.
  • “We have always been keenly aware that our primary contribution to resolving the crisis was to maintain our activities, to continue supplying the energy that our ambulances, our hospitals, our healthcare workers, and our homes were going to need in the fight against Covid-19. And, of course, to supply all those petrochemical products that, both as prophylaxis against the virus and as raw materials for a great many healthcare products and tools, are needed in this battle,” he asserted.
  • Chief Executive Officer Josu Jon Imaz reviewed Repsol’s performance in 2019, a “very important year where we advanced in the diversification of our activities, and where we have been pioneers in our sector in setting the target of being a net zero emissions company by 2050.”

16 December 2020 - 09:00 CET | PDF | 87.59 KB

Repsol has adopted a new organizational structure to roll out the Strategic Plan that was recently presented by the company.

The new organization addresses the objectives of transformation and acceleration of the energy transition, geared to the significant business and corporate challenges that the company will be facing in the coming years.

According to Repsol’s Chief Executive Officer, Josu Jon Imaz, “the new leadership structure makes the company more agile in its transformation, increases its capacity to put the customer in the center of its activity, boosts digital development, and enables the ambition to be leaders in the decarbonization process.”

In the new organizational structure, Luis Cabra will be Executive Managing Director of Energy Transition, Sustainability, and Technology and Adjunct to the CEO.

Juan Abascal, hitherto responsible for M&A, will join the Executive Committee to lead the Industrial Transformation and Circular Economy division. Repsol will maintain its leader-ship in this area thanks to the quality of its assets and its human team, and it will play a key role in the development of advanced biofuels, renewable hydrogen, synthetic fuels, and the decarbonization of the industrial processes.

The Executive Managing Director María Victoria Zingoni will be responsible for the Client and Renewables businesses, two of the main growth vectors of the company.

As part of its boost of the digitalization processes and the acceleration of the global services model on a company-wide level, Valero Marín, until now CIO/CDO, will be responsible for the Digitalization and Global Services unit.

The current Director for the Liquified Petroleum Gas business, Carmen Muñoz, will assume responsibility for the People and Organization area.

In the Executive Managing Division of Communication, Institutional Relations, and the Chairman’s Office, the current Executive Managing Director of People and Organization, Arturo Gonzalo, will substitute Begoña Elices who will leave the company after a long and distinguished professional career. The Board of Directors, in the words of its Chairman, Antonio Brufau, has thanked Begoña Elices for her brilliant and successful tenure. Begoña Elices will continue to be a member of the Board of the Repsol Foundation. Arturo Gonzalo will also oversee the Auditing, Control, and Risks area.

With the new appointments, the Executive Committee of Repsol, led by Chief Executive Officer Josu Jon Imaz, will be composed by the following:

- Josu Jon Imaz, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

- Luis Cabra, Executive Managing Director of Energy Transition, Sustainability, and Technology; Adjunct CEO

- Antonio Lorenzo, Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

- María Victoria Zingoni, Executive Managing Director of Client and Low-Carbon Generation

- Tomás García, Executive Managing Director of Exploration and Production

- Arturo Gonzalo, Executive Managing Director of Communication, Institutional Relations, and the Chairman’s Office

- Miguel Klingenberg, General Counsel

- Juan Abascal, Executive Director of Industrial Transformation and Circular Economy

- Carmen Muñoz, Corporate Director of People and Organization

- Valero Marín, Corporate Director of Digitalization and Global Services