Information on the accident in Ventanilla, Peru

We would like to convey our solidarity with the people and communities affected, our sincere concern for the damage caused to natural areas and marine life, and our gratitude for the effort and commitment of all the people and volunteers involved.

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Actions being carried out

Read more about our work to address the effects of the oil spill in Ventanilla

Operators cleaning the beach

Trained and protected people at work

Each day we have more and more people working on various land and marine cleanup efforts, who have been properly trained by experts and are equipped with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).  

Operators cleaning the beach

High-efficiency marine cleanup machinery

We are working with skimmers, high-efficiency machinery for marine cleanup, that absorb the hydrocarbon and separate it from the water, which is then transferred to the La Pampilla Refinery for treatment.

Heavy machinery assisting in beach cleanup

Heavy machinery

We have heavy-duty machinery working everyday to remove the compromised land along the beaches of Costa Azul, Ventanilla, Cavero, Pachacutec, Bahía Blanca, Playa Chica, Playa Grande, Isla Mata Cuatro, Balneario Marina Sur, Balneario de la Marina Norte, Ancón, Miramar, Pocitas, and Conchitas. In addition, we are using tanks that absorb waste from the shores.

Acuerdo con pescadores locales

Continuous dialogue with affected communities

We're holding advanced dialgoue with Santa Rosa and Ancón District fishing associations, who represent more than 1,000 fishermen. At the same time, we are in discussions with the Asociación de Armadores y Pescadores Artesanales Miguel Grau and Puerto-Chancay (Association of Artisanal Fishermen and Shipowners), as well as representatives from the Santa Rosa Associación de Sombrilleros to attend to their needs. This efforts are in addition to other agreements that have already been reached with four fishing organizations in Ventanilla, which are already receiving support from the company.

Likewise, we have signed a collaboration agreement with businessowners in Santa Rosa, who are joining cleanup efforts being carried out.

Military support for beach cleanup

Military support

Thanks to cooperation from authorities, military forces have joined the ocean and coastline cleanup efforts. They have been equipped with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and have received guidelines from specialized experts for performing the tasks.

Volunteers passing out food to workers


We are grateful for the effort and commitment of all our collaborators, as well as for all the volunteers who show up daily to assist in various tasks.

Collaborating with organizations

Repsol reaffirms its commitment to continue mitigating and remedying the effects of the spill, as well as continuing to work with all those involved to respond effectively and transparently to the public.

We are holding meetings with the Minister of the Environment, Rubén José Ramírez, and the President of the OEFA (Agency for Environmental Assessment and Enforcement), Miriam Alegría Zevallos, who are being kept up-to-date on any activities carried out. We are reiterating our commitment to remedy the impact created by the spill.

Moreover, we are coordinating with SERFOR (National Forestry and Wildlife Service), SERNANP (the National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State), and other organizations.

Official statements