Asphalts news

Cold micro-agglomerate training seminars for the Ministry of Public Works

Asphalt News 23/11/2017
 Francisco Lucas, Technical Support and Business Development Manager of Repsol Asphalts, and ATEB representatives

This year, a training cycle on cold micro-agglomerates began to be offered to road technicians of the Directorate-General for Roads of the Ministry of Public Works and technicians of the companies in charge of the conservation and maintenance of roads of said central authority.

Two sessions have already been held as part of this training cycle, one in Madrid and another in Murcia. Both were delivered by professionals linked to companies and bodies associated with the ATEB (Technical Association of Bitumen Emulsions), which is currently presided by Repsol, represented by Francisco Lucas, Technical Support and Business Development Manager of Repsol Asphalts.

The use of cold micro-agglomerates is a technique that makes it possible to cold lay a thin mixture aimed at restoring skid resistance properties lost due to the passage of vehicles and at waterproofing road surfaces.

The depth and practical approach of these seminars allow them to expound on important elements of this cold technology, such as the application methodology of the technique itself and the most recommended emulsions, the applicable EC Marking regulation, the manufacturing/laying machines and ancillary means, good execution practices, quality control, and the expectations and possible limitations of the technique.

Three additional seminars have been planned in various Spanish cities for 2018, given the success of these training sessions.