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Meeting at Repsol of the European Body for the Standardization of Construction Products for Emulsion Surface Treatments

Asphalt News 23/11/2017
Attendees at the meeting at Repsol of the European Body for the Standardization of Construction Products for Emulsion Surface Treatments

The biannual meeting of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN/TC227/WG2) on surface irrigation treatments with gravel and bitumen slurries was held on October 16th and 17th at Campus Repsol.

The biannual meeting of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN/TC227/WG2) on surface irrigation treatments with gravel and bitumen slurries was held on October 16th and 17th at Campus Repsol.

At these meetings, each member presents the peculiarities of a product in each different country and their methodology for analyzing a certain characteristic. Subsequently, and after reviewing all the proposals set forth, they try to reach a consensus that will enable the drafting of norms applicable to all EU countries, such that a manufactured product can be marketed in any country, thereby ensuring a single regulatory environment.

Specifically, this Committee is responsible for drafting regulations applicable to products that may be applied to the road as a surface layer, at ambient temperature, and using bitumen emulsions as part of "Surface treatments with gravel," according to Standard UNE EN 12271, and "bitumen slurries," according to Standard UNE EN 12273.

Application and compliance with the requirements of these standards will ensure production control and, therefore, the obtainment of the CE Marking.