Asphalt News

Supply of C60BP4 MIC emulsion to PADECASA for cold-laying of micro-agglomerate on the M-50 ring road in Madrid

Asphalt News 23/11/2017
Works carried out with a double treatment of cold micro-agglomerate (MICROF5+MICROF8) in the slow lane of the M-50 ring road

The company Padecasa Obras y Servicios, S.A. has executed works with a double treatment of cold micro-agglomerate (MICROF5+MICROF8) in the slow lane of the M-50 ring road, k.p. 53, uphill, on a concrete surface, for the purpose of improving the skid resistance of said surface.

The cold micro-agglomerate technique consists of laying a mixture manufactured from a bitumen emulsion, aggregates, water, and, eventually, additions of mineral dust with the adequate consistency, for laying at ambient temperature.

To execute the works, aggregates from the hornstone quarry of Cycasa, in Aldeavieja (Ávila) were used, using two fractions, a 0/6 millimeter sand for the MICROF 5 and a combination of 4/10 millimeter sand and coarse aggregate for MICROF 8, using a C60BP4 MIC-type bitumen emulsion as a binder.

The works were executed on September 25th (preparation, irrigation, and MICROF 5) and September 26th (second layer of CON MICROF 8).

Prior to laying the first MICROF 5 micro-agglomerate layer, and after sealing the cracks, the surface is vigorously swept for the purpose of removing dirt and elements adhered to the surface of the concrete pavement, adherence irrigation is used with a C60B3-type emulsion, and an addition of approximately 150 g/m2 of residual binder, in order to ensure adherence of the first layer to the existing pavement.

The second MICROF 8 micro-agglomerate layer was applied after the curing of the first layer, applying the previously defined formulation. After laying, the surface was tamped using a pneumatic-tire compactor, for the purpose of accelerating the expulsion of water from the emulsion, thereby facilitating an earlier opening to traffic.