We participate in the NAPA project, financed by: FEDER / Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities - State Research Agency / Project RTC-2017-6553-2, within the public call RETOS
We participate in the NAPA project, within the call RETOS. This project aims to improve the food safety of food packaging, which is already safe in the present, in the next three years.
The main goal is to know in which stages the different NIAS are formed in order to reduce their formation to the maximum without affecting the natural properties of the container that allow longer life and better food's quality. NIAS compounds are chemicals that are not intentionally added to the different formulations but are formed during the manufacture of the materials and their transformation. By avoiding their training, we will improve the final product.
Our contribution to the project frames in our firm commitment to food safety and has a double dimension. On the one hand, we will supply the polymers for the manufacture of the containers and, on the other hand, we will participate both in the evaluation of the NIAS, and in the determination of the possible ways that allow its reduction.