Repsol and Tactotek will develop smart surfaces with polyolefins

Chemical News 09/12/2020

At the end of 2019, we made an equity investment in the Finnish startup TactoTek through our investment fund Repsol Corporate Venturing. At present, we are jointly developing the technology to manufacture smart surfaces with polyolefins, intended mainly for the automotive sector.

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Una chica se abrocha el cinturon de seguridad de su coche

Along with TactoTeK, we seek to expand the use of polyolefins in high-performance parts, such as smart surfaces, which have only been made using other plastic materials. With the incorporation of polyolefins in these functional surfaces, we can offer innovation in materials that will bring new design and integration opportunities to the different parts that make up the vehicle.

At Repsol, we are experts in polyolefins, which are the most widely used polymers in the automotive sector. Their superior physical and mechanical characteristics and lightweight play a fundamental role in reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions from vehicles.

TactoTek® has developed a manufacturing process called 'in-mold structural electronics' or IMSE™. This innovative process integrates printed electronics and standard electronic components, such as LEDs, in 3D injection molded parts.

Detalle de las superficies inteligentes desarrolladas por TactoTek y Repsol