Special recognition from FEIQUE at their CSR awards for the Spanish chemicals sector

Chemical News 26/12/2018

The Spanish Chemical Industry Business Federation (FEIQUE) has awarded our equality and work-life balance policies in their 2nd Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Awards. Through these awards, FEIQUE aims to recognize the commitment of chemical companies to the main strategic elements of CSR.

Somos galardonados en Igualdad y Conciliación en los premios RSE del sector químico.

On December 12th, a jury made up of experts and members of the media specialized in the chemicals sector — including representatives from the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Tourism as well as Forética — recognized Repsol's superb performance in the categories of Equality and Work-Life Balance.

This recognition serves as confirmation of our commitment to our employees through reconciliation policies to support achieving the balance between professional, family, and private life: We do this by promoting initiatives such as flexible hours, teleworking, and efficient time management, among others.