Alejandro Oliva

Alejandro Oliva
  • Director of Strategy, Innovation, Business Development, and Control at the Chemicals Executive Division
  • Member of the Steering Committee at the Chemicals Executive Division
  • Board Member of Dynasol Group



Alejandro Oliva holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from Universidad USAL in Salamanca, Spain. He also earned a Master’s Degree in Economy & Management (IESE) and a Degree in Industrial Management Engineering (ICAI), both in Madrid, Spain.

He joined Repsol in 2003, and since then, he has held several management positions in the Industrial business (Downstream) and corporate divisions in Spain and Canada.

In June 2021, Alejandro Oliva was appointed Director of Strategy, Innovation, Business Development, and Control at Repsol Chemicals. 

He is responsible for the definition of Repsol Chemicals strategy within the corporate strategic framework, as well as its implementation through innovation and continuous improvement. He is also responsible for carrying out the planning and control and coordinating the promotion and advertising activities at Repsol Chemicals.

Additionally, in June 2021, he became Board Member at Dynasol Group.