My account to the new registry: Step by step

Screen 1 - 2. Client area

Sign in

    1. Click on Client Area

    2. Enter the username and password you have been using up until now.

    3. Click on "Login"



Screen 3

Confirm the email address linked to your account

    4. Enter a valid email address where you will be sent a confirmation email.

    5. Enter your new password. You can keep using your old one as long as it's at least eight characters long and contains three of the following:

        -A capital letter 
        -A lower case letter
        -A number
        -A special character

    6. Click on "Submit and accept the terms and conditions"

Confirmation email

  • At the end, you will be sent an email to confirm the email address you entered. Once you've done that, you will be able to sign in to using your email address and your new password.
  • If you enter an email address that's already registered with Repsol (for example through Waylet or Box Repsol), you’ll receive a message that will let you sign in and merge both accounts into one.
  • From now on, you can use your email and password to access all of you Repsol services.

Got more questions?

Our Customer Service team will be happy to answer any other questions you may have, so feel free to call us or send us an email to: