Closing the circle with renewable energy generation

Our Low-Carbon Generation business is one of the pillars to becoming a net zero emissions company by 2050, facilitating the evolution towards an energy model with lower CO2 emissions through the generation of electricity from renewable energy sources (hydro, photovoltaic, and wind power).

Landscape with several renewable energy installations

The Low-Carbon Generation business addresses the energy transition by taking on the challenge of achieving economic growth through the sustainable use of natural resources. To this end, it applies the company's circular economy model, adapting the principles of the model to the renewables sector, specifically by promoting ecodesign, implementing operational efficiency projects, and making the most of all the alliances and commitments that the renewable energy generation sector has in terms of circularity. We at Repsol adhere to these commitments and implement them in all the countries where we operate, both in our operated assets and throughout the entire value chain.

Our circular economy model adapted to the renewable energy sector


Habitant nascetur condimentum feugiat dictumst etiam magnis viverra ultrices felis ante quis vehicula scelerisque nisl lectus, interdum ornare torquent penatibus libero varius magna tellus tristique laoreet vestibulum dignissim pellentesque.

Process efficiency and innovation

We optimise and minimise the use and consumption of resources throughout the life cycle of our assets and equipment. To this end, we carry out preventive maintenance tasks during operation as success stories:

• Optimisation of water use for PV module cleaning.

• Reduction of fossil fuel use in weeding in PV plants.


We work with cross-sector organisations from the early stages of equipment design and development to extend equipment life cycle and to enable an adequate re-use and/or recycling of components.

Renewable energy and
alternative raw materials

When our assets and equipment are no longer in use, we promote re-use by selling them or by recycling them if they cannot be re-used, transforming them into alternative raw materials for the making of new equipment.


We develop our own platforms, such as X-Dwall Repsol, to control renewable assets using the SCADA data collected locally in our plants, broadly reaching our global portfolio. We follow up, analyse and compare a number of parameters that are useful for the implementation of operational efficiency measures. Additionally, we are working on the development of a machine-learning-driven advanced analytics platform.


We work with trade associations, organisations and institutions to promote circular value chains in renewable energy production facilities.


We rely on innovation and new technological developments, such as a lever to increase the efficiency of our manufacturing processes, to facilitate the use of recycled materials, and to promote the re-use of these materials in the economy at the end of their life cycle.

Classification by key lines and value chain

Our circular economy projects are aligned with the key lines of our strategy and are present throughout our entire value chain, from obtaining raw materials to commercializing products and services. 

Classification by key lines and value chain