Agriculture products



During the transport of fertiliser (NPK) to the field, Repsol is responsible for ensuring that the fertiliser arrives in the best conditions. To do so, the RYFER product is applied and acts as an anti-caking and anti-dust agent.

Fertilizer loosened with RYFERT and fertilizer without RYFERT
Pasture Animals grazing Fence Olive tree Wheat Tomatoes Tractor spreading fertilizer in the field


The sulphur spread by the tractor improves the pH of the soil, increasing nutrient mobility.

Sky Food in cardboard containers in a grocery store Lorry transporting food in cardboard boxes Hills

Active packaging

Repsol applies an active coating on carton packages to improve food preservation. More information about this process here.

Background Olive trees Lorries transporting hexane and olives to a factory


Hexane is mainly used in the extraction of oil from olives and seeds.

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